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Since its establishment in 1997, the Department of Physics has been keen to reach the top ranks among similar departments in Libyan universities and to apply international quality standards, and since physics throughout history was not an independent science in itself, rather it was and still is linked to all other sciences, if not actually the cornerstone of all. Modern science and global development in all fields. Therefore, the department was keen to present the physics program for the bachelor’s level in a modern and developed way that serves the community and meets the needs of the diverse labor market, in addition to the contribution of the department’s faculty members to scientific research and work on continuous development.


The Department of Physics at the College of Education, Daraj, aspires to be a pioneer in the sciences of physics and its applications in building a knowledge society.


Providing distinguished education that serves society and contributes to building a knowledge-based economy by creating a stimulating environment for learning, creativity, and scientific research with continuous quality that ensures optimal use of technology and public partnership with community institutions related to physics specializations.


1- Achieving excellence in education, scientific research and community service.

2- Developing ways to ensure the quality of performance and outputs.

3- Optimal use of modern technologies.

4- Providing a stimulating environment administratively and academically.

5- Attracting the best faculty, staff and students.

6- Establishing effective partnerships locally and with universities and relevant segments of society.

7- Promoting scientific culture and its activities.